Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers

Get Your Life Back and Have a Vibrant Classroom!

Teacher-centered Wellness Coaching is the key.

As an educator, your health and well-being are the keys to a productive and joyous classroom. If you are like most teachers, however, your students come first and you come second or not at all. The good news is it that it only takes a few minutes a day to decompress, energize, and revitalize your body and mind. Best of all, many self-care techniques can be practiced in the classroom with your students, so everyone benefits.

To make it easier for educators and support staff to get the help they need, I have designed Teacher Wellness Workshops. These workshops last from 1 hour to a half-day and are customized to meet the specific needs of your community. This is not a one-size-fits-all world, so why not focus on the areas that will bring you the quickest results? Some of the most common issues are:

  • Move More, Sit Less

    Incorporate physical activity into your day, before, during and after school. Get started today by downloading this chart showing simple activities that take two minutes or less, Moving Through the Day.
  • Create a Culture of Support

    Utilize your collegial relationships to celebrate success and collaborate effectively. How often do you share your highlights with others?
  • Healthy Eating as a Teaching Tool

    Subtle changes in eating patterns are easy to adopt and have a critical impact on teacher and student health. Healthy Snacking is a great way to stay fit, avoid fatigue, and set a good example.
  • It's OKAY to Leave on Time

    The misconception that staying late will result in better teaching can be toxic to teacher wellbeing. Learn how to set healthy boundaries to avoid burn-out.

I look forward to making your vision of health and vitality for a reality. Please contact me about holding a Teacher Wellness Workshop at your school.

Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers